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Is Japanese language Difficult to Learn? Why It’s More Simple Than You Think

The Japanese language is one of the most used languages in the world. Many people have studied it, and it has also been found that speakers of many different languages can easily understand a conversation in Japanese. However, this might not be true for beginners just learning the language. Today’s article will help you figure out why it is simpler to learn than you think!

Japanese is a language that is difficult to learn, but it’s not as hard as you might think. Japanese is much simpler than other languages, and you can quickly get up to speed with a bit of practice. In this article, we will discuss why Japanese is more straightforward than other languages and how you can easily overcome any difficulty.

Numerous English Loan Words in the Japanese Language

If you were raised speaking English, congrats! You’re a linguistic lottery winner! From the first day of learning Japanese, you will have access to a vast vocabulary. This is due to the tens of thousands of English terms that have been adopted into the Japanese language so far.

These “foreign loanwords” provide native English speakers with a tremendous head start. They enable you to comprehend and transmit considerable information even if your Japanese grammar is poor and you know no Kanji.

Although the phonetic patterns are pretty standard and predictable, you must acquire English loanwords’ “Japanified” pronunciation. You need to study Katakana, which can be accomplished throughout a weekend, and then acquaint yourself with how English sounds are rendered in Japanese.


Japanese Language Structure

Japanese is a language that can be difficult to learn for some. However, this is not always the case. It is simpler than you think. It would help if you remembered a few key things to learn Japanese effectively.

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Japanese has a straightforward structure. This means that all the basic grammar rules are easy to understand. Secondly, the Japanese use a lot of particles. However, these particles can be quickly learned by understanding the basic conjugation rules. Lastly, the Japanese have an effortless word order, making it easy to follow the conversation. With these tips in mind, you will be able to learn Japanese quickly and efficiently!

Absence of tones in Japanese language

Unlike Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Thai, etc., Japanese is not a tonal language. Hooray!

Occasionally, the Japanese language employs a high-low distinction (what linguists refer to as “pitch accent”). Unlike in other languages such as Chinese, the good news is that you do not need to acquire a distinct tone for each syllable in English. In rare instances in which pitch is employed to differentiate meaning, the context will nearly always do the hard work.

Even though the term hashi can mean “chopsticks” (), “bridge” (), or “edge” (), depending on the pitch accent (high-low, low-high, and flat in this case), you will realise that someone is asking you to pass the “chopsticks” and not the “bridge” or “edge” of the table while you are at a restaurant.

Japanese Language Writing Systems

Japanese writing systems are not as tricky as they seem at first glance. They are more straightforward than many other writing systems. Japanese characters are composed of a few basic strokes and a limited number of them. This makes Japanese writing easy to learn for beginners.


Is Japanese language Difficult to Learn? Why It’s More Simple Than You Think


List of Hiragana and Katakana Characters

Japanese characters are made up of two types of symbols, hiragana and Katakana. Hiragana are the primary characters and are used in most cases. Katakana is a supplementary character that is used in specific cases. Below is a list of all of the hiragana and katakana characters.

Hiragana: あ、い、う、え、お、ま、み、む、め、の、せ、た、て

Katakana: A, I, U, E, O, N, M, Y, T

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Basic Grammar & Phrases

Japanese is not difficult to learn; it is simpler than you think. Grammar in Japanese is very straightforward, and there are only a few rules that you need to remember. Many online resources can help you learn Japanese quickly.

Reading Techniques

Many simple strategies can make learning Japanese much more accessible. Here are four tips to get you started:

1. Use flashcards: One of the best ways to improve your Japanese language skills is using flashcards. This method allows you to review Japanese words and phrases quickly and easily. Try making your flashcards or downloading pre-made decks from websites like

2. Use audio files: Downloading audio files can also help you learn Japanese faster. When you listen to Japanese language lessons, you will better understand the grammar and pronunciation of the words. Popular options for downloading audio files include the Dictation app EverNote and the Rosetta Stone website.

3. Use visual aids: Another great way to learn Japanese is by using visual aids. This type of aid can help you understand how certain words are used in a sentence and how they are pronounced. You can find visual aids online or in books that teach Japanese grammar.

4. Practice daily: The best way to learn any language is by practising it

Japanese is not difficult to learn if you approach it correctly. The language has simple grammar and a simple writing system, so it’s easy to get started. There are plenty of online resources, and a Japanese tutor can help you learn the language quickly.

If you think Japanese to be challenging, imprecise, and irrational, then this language is for you. But if you concentrate on the simple, straightforward, logical information first, you will learn considerably more quickly and have more fun in the process. To be clear, I am not claiming that the language will not provide particular obstacles to fluent English speakers. It surely will. However, so does Spanish. And Pig Latin. And Klingon.

Each language has its advantages and disadvantages, and in the early stages of learning a language, it is far more beneficial to concentrate on the advantages than the disadvantages. This is not blind optimism or sugarcoating; it is an informed method to work with human nature rather than against it. Early small victories develop the confidence, motivation, and courage necessary to continue as the ascent of Japanese Mountain becomes difficult.

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